Thursday, April 30, 2009

Database Successfuly Imported

Today I started the MS Access to MySQL application and followed the wizard to export the database. I selected the source mdb file and selected the tables to be imported to MySQL. Now my table is on MySql and Im ready to build the database depending on my friends analysis on what tables we will add and how we will split the employees table.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Access to MySql - downloaded

Today i downloaded the program Access to MySQL to my computer from then i installed it. But when i finished the wrote a message that says that in order to make it running fine it requires the MySQL ODBC Drivers for windows. So i made another search on the internet and i downloaded MYSQL Connector/ODBC 5.1 ,Windows MSI Installer (x86). WELL!! that was not the end. They asked me to register in order to be able to use it. So im waiting for the approval to be able to download the drivers. hope me luck!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Access to MySql

Now im searching on how to transform the access database to mysql. Im not sure if in this process i will be able to transfer the quieries as well as the tables. I found a program called access to mysql and now im trying to use it.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

XAMPP Package Download

Yesterday I downloaded XAMPP Windows 1.7.1 that contains PHP, MySQL and Apache HTTPD 2.2.11. I installed XAMPP on c:\xampp, but I faced a problem with apache service which was not able to start. I found that the port that the appache is trying to use is already in use from the IIS, since I was working with ASP in my last project. To solve this problem I stopped the IIS service in order to free this port. I also found in the Internet that there is another solution which is either to change the IIS port or to change the apache port in httpd.conf file under apache/conf/ folder. Now the package is working. So I oppened the XAMPP Control Panel in which I can stop and start the Apache and MySQL. To test that PHP is working, I searched the XAMPP root directory, then I opened the htdocs folder in which we will have to store our php files, then I created a test php page using dearmweaver. In the address bar I wrote http://localhost/test.php and the page that I did appeared. Now I will try to experiment more on this package. I also have to learn how to use MySql to create the Database.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Store your information project"

Today our group met in the morning to discuss the project. We will devide the work between us and I will be the leader. Tomorrow we are going to the library to borrow some books. We will also try to install the XAMPP package on our labtops.